News ed eventi

Social Raid 2021

The first meeting for the presentation of the Social Raid 2021 was held on Wednesday 4 May 2021. The stops this year will be Olbia and the island of Elba. Many members have expressed their interest.


We are pleased to inform you that thanks to an agreement with the Biella Flight School (ATO IT.ATO.0018) it will be possible to undertake certification for Instrument Rating, MEP (land) (using the two-engined Twin Comanche I-VERA belonging to the Aeroclub Biella, but temporarily based at Aeritalia airfield (LIMA), as well as CPL-A and ATPL-A certification.
Full details will be published shortly.


On Saturday April 17, 2021, in compliance with the current Covid-19 rules, the Club Members AGM was held. The final achieved balance as of December 31, 2020 was unanimously approved.

The President then illustrated future projects and the difficulties encountered in conducting relations with TNE, the airport ground owners, although he expressed moderate optimism.

Finally, a new member of the board of auditors was appointed to replace Dino Favaro who has resigned the position. Silvano Vallino Costassa, the only candidate, was elected unanimously. The President and the Directors welcomed the newly elected auditor while the memebers added their congratulations and best wishes for his forthcoming activity.


On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, the new theoretical course for the Private Pilot Licence Aircraft (PPLA) and the Glider Pilot Licence (SFCL) began at our airport.

17 future pilots have registered: 12 for the powered flight licence and 5 for the gliding licence.

Among the new students… Marco Berry!


Nuovo Consiglio Direttivo

L'Assemblea ordinaria del nostro club, riunitasi in seconda convocazione sabato 19 dicembre 2020, ha:

- Approvato il bilancio preventivo 2021 
- Ha votato per il rinnovo delle cariche sociali per il quadriennio 2021-2024, nelle persone dei Soci:

Alberto Bannino con 128 voti

Angelo Albano  con 84 voti
Paolo Cacioli con 75 voti
Silvano Cordero con 79 voti
Luca Ferrero con 88 voti
Giorgio Guglieri con 87 voti

Read more: Nuovo Consiglio Direttivo

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