Francesco Balbis

Villafranca Piemonte (Torino), 23 February 1903 – Turin, 15 January 1990

Balbis was an Economy and Commerce graduate, becoming an important figure in Piemontese financial circles.
In 1926, with a number of associates, he founded the “Bank of Vigone”. This successively changed its name to “Bank of Vigone, Rosso, Balbis and Rabbia” in 1933, then was further renamed as the “Balbis, Guglielmone, Villa Bank”, following a partial buy-out by new partners Teresio Guglielmone and Gianfranco Villa.
In 1952 this was merged with the “Banca Torinese”, already owned by Francesco Balbis and Senator Teresio Guglielmone. The fusion resulted in the origin of the Torinese “Balbis and Guglielmone Bank”.

He was President of the Aero Club Torino from 1946 to 1950.

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