The Aero Club Torino (AeC) is a non-profit organization which conducts sporting, tuitional and promotional activities with regard to aircraft, both powered and non-powered, including aerobatics, gliding and ultralight flight.
The Aero Club also promotes and encourages all forms of air sport for the young, including volunteers of civil defence organisations and other sectors.
It publicises flying, diffuses aeronautical culture and collaborates with local public authorities in the study and resolution of problems which concern both parties.

It was founded in July 1908, originally with the acronym APIA, standing for the "Italian Society for the Promotion of Aviation", and 18 months later changed its name to "SAT", standing for "Torinese Society for Aviation". Its denomination as "Aero Club" was forced by the promulgation of a Royal Decree (1452) in 1926, which obliged all such organisations to assume such a title, only one being allowed per Province.
Its denomination as "Aero Club" was forced by the promulgation of a Royal Decree (1452) in 1926, which obliged all such organisations to assume such a title, only one being allowed per Province.
It was recognised as having an "independent juridic status" (i.e. fiscal autonomy with respect to the members) through the Presidential Decree 643 of 1959, and is registered as such in the Piedmont Register (no. 522) and in the National Register of Amateur Sports Associations and Societies (no. 27490).