The minimum age for enrollment for the course is 16, but the PPL examination cannot be taken until the student attains 17 years of age.
All formalities regarding entry to the course will be effected by the Aero Club Torino.
The minimum age for registration for the course is 16. All formalities regarding the registration are carried out by the Aero Club Torino. Before registration, you must pass a medical examination at the Italian Air Force Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) "A. Mosso", Viale Aviation 1bis, Milan; alternatively the medical examination can be conducted at the IML of Rome, Naples or Bari. The secretariat of the Aero Club Torino (011.7790916) will organize the reservation.
For the medical examination, on an empty stomach, bring the following documents:
- passport sized photo;
- letter of introduction from the Aero Club Torino Flight School ;
- lettera presentazione della scuola di volo dell’Aero Club Torino;
- identity document;
At the moment of registration you provide the Secretariat with the following documents
- 1 passport sized photo;
- I.M.L. medical examination certificate;
The duration of the theoretical course is about 5 months with approximately 102 hours of instruction, with an obligatory attendance of not less than 80% of the hours in each of the following subjects: Principles of Flight, Aircraft General Information, Human Factors and Pilot Performance, Meteorology, Communications, Air Legislation, Flying Techniques, Air Navigation. Classes are held at the Aero Club Torino, two or three times a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings) from 20.30 to 23.00.
In order to take the exam, a minimum of 13 hours of flight is required, of which 7 hours are dual command with an on-board instructor, 4 hours solo with two further hours at the discretion of the instructor, with a minimum of forty missions. For PPL holders, the minimum number of hours is reduced from 13 to 7, of which 5 are dual-control and 2 are solo with a minimum of 20 missions.
The course comprises the following steps:
- LEARNING TEST: held by the instructors of each subject of the theoretical course at the conclusion of the lessons.
- PRE-EXAMINATION SUITABILITY: means the student’s suitability for taking (and passing) the exam is evaluated by the instructor and by the flight instructors Coordinator at the completion of the practical exercises.
this is held before an ENAC Commission and takes place in two stages:
- a written (multiple choice) quiz covering the subjects of the course;
- a practical test flight with an Inspector appointed by ENAC